Bible Study
The Bible Study encourages single moms to embrace their true identity in Jesus Christ, conquer bitterness, regret, and past disappointments, discover the promises and calling God has for their life, and close the door to fear and doubt. God has not forgotten about them. Start or join a bible study where you and other mothers can work through the bible studies and unpack these stories.
Bible Study
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Our Co Founder Thembi Myeni together with Laurie Collamore have developed a powerful Bible study specifically with the single mom in mind. Did you know that there are single mothers in the Bible. Not just single mothers in the Bible, but single mothers who went through struggles, loneliness, brokenness, and hardships. You know basically, the same things that single moms go through today.
Being a single mom is hard, challenging and emotionally draining on so many levels.
The great news is ,God knows, He sees and He hears. And if you’re a single mother, don’t think for one moment that God has forgotten you. In fact, it’s just the opposite. God has so much love and compassion for you; that through Jesus Christ, He has given you everything you need to raise your family with nothing missing and nothing lacking!
The Bible Study serves as a platform that highlights the negative emotions that these single moms went through and covers issues like:
Does God even see me?
Self worth
Shame and regret
Doubt and discouragement
Trauma recovery
Fear of the Future
The study takes you on a journey, using these single moms lives to learn from,and draw wisdom for your own life
In the Bible Study, you will learn to:
Denounce and reject the shame and lies that keep you from embracing your true identity in Jesus Christ
Conquer the bitterness, regret, and past disappointments that are holding you back
Discover the incredible promises and calling God has for your life
Close the door to fear and doubt to walk in complete confidence in your future
We know that being a single mother is hard, but studying these single mothers in the Bible stories to be a reminder to you that God has not forgotten about you. And as he saw these women through he will see you though as well.